Sunday, January 10

"You are my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased."

Karen started the service today with these words spoken by a voice from heaven at Jesus' baptism. And so they also apply to us - we are God's beloved children, with whom she is well pleased.

I found much comfort in worship today. Karen spoke of how we are often "on the edge", like those waiting to enter the promised land after 40 years in the wilderness, like those waiting to enter the Jordan River with John the Baptist. The path in front of us is hopeful and exciting, but also a little bit scary.

We often face this in life, I think. In the midst of some big decision we had to make, my husband and I developed a word for this feeling - terricitement. Half terrified, half excited. When changing jobs, or moving to a new city, or even just travelling to a new place... there is excitement, but there is also a lot of nervousness.

So it is comforting to know that, as with baptism, Jesus has gone before. He accompanies us as we move forward. We are God's beloved children, with whom she is well pleased. We are not alone. And so we can move forward with the Spirit in faith, hope and excitement, leaving the fear behind.

May it be so as we move toward whatever 2016 has to offer!

Laura S.